Volunteer Opportunities - JOIN OUR PAC EXECUTIVE TEAM!
If you're interested in any of the committees below, please email PAC!
PAC Treasurer – Keeps track of the PAC finances. All income and expenses go through the Treasurer who reports on finances at all executive meetings.
Member-At-Large - Assist with PAC functions and events. Please join one of the following committees:
o DPAC Representative – Attends the monthly Vancouver District PAC meetings to represent, speak , and vote on behalf of the PAC and reports back.
o Social Committee - Coordinates the social functions of the PAC and assists with the (social) coordination of some school functions (e.g., Jazz Cabaret), PAC in-person meetings setup (refreshments), Annual Staff Appreciation Lunch, etc.
o Guest Speaker Committee - Coordinates the guest speakers for the monthly PAC meetings
o Communications Committee - maintains PAC general email account, website, social media account(s), and SLACK communications with parents.
o Fundraising Committee - Assists with PAC fundraisers such as Purdys Chocolate Sale, FundScrip, Craft Fair, etc.
- *PAC experience is preferred but not mandatory.
- Volunteers will need to be available to meet twice a month (second Monday for the Exec meetings & the last Tuesday for the General Meetings) and actively participate in PAC discussions / communications
- Volunteers for the executive positions must be available to check the executive email accounts once a day (minimum)
- Volunteers must adhere to our PAC Constitution and Bylaws and sign our PAC Code of Conduct
Vancouver DPAC Working Groups and Committees
If you are interested in specific work at Vancouver District PAC (DPAC), they want to hear from you. Here are the committees and working groups who meet regularly (or semi regularly) to shadow the work of the VSB and/or to advise DPAC in their advisory role at VSB:
Active Transportation & Safe Routes saferoutestracker@vancouverdpac.org
Facilities Planning facilitieswg@vancouverdpac.org
Food Framework foodframeworkwg@vancouverdpac.org
Health & Safety (HSWG) HSWG@vancouverdpac.org
Inclusive Education jaclyn.ferreira@vancouverdpac.org
Music musicworkinggroup@vancouverdpac.org
Black & Indigenous BIWG@vancouverdpac.org, Anti-Oppression/Anti-Racism, Sustainability, and Childcare Working Groups Are Not Currently Populated in an operational way. Please reach out to secretary@vancouverdpac.org for information
This message is brought to you by DPAC’s Health & Safety Working Group. Join us and help make a difference in your child’s life. hswg@vancouverdpac.org
2020-21 References re: DPAC Facilities Committee
Vik Khanna's presentation to Churchill on May 25, 2021
DPAC Values/Vision/Guiding Principles for VSB Long Range Facilities Plan
DPAC positions regarding the draft 2020 LRFP and Land Sales (Jan 22, 2021)
DPAC letter to trustees regarding the LRFP vision (vision and strategy from Nov 25 facilities agenda)
DPAC letter to trustees regarding the LRFP (arising from motions at Nov 12 exec)
DPAC presentation to VSB Facilities Planning Committee on the LRFP
Past Duties:
May 2023 - School Street Volunteers (1 month School Street pilot)
Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021 - Churchill Earthquake Drill / Student reunification process.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - Decoration Team for Grad 2021
February - Jazz Cabaret (set up, baking, clean up)
April - Staff Appreciation Lunch (set up, cooking, baking, serving, clean up)