Sir Winston Churchill

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

What is a Parent Advisory Council (PAC)?

“PAC is the officially recognized collective voice of parents of their school.  A PAC, through its elected officers, may advise the school board, the principal and staff of the school respecting any matter relating to the education of the students and the school.” (ref:

Who is a member of the PAC?

You are a member! We (parents) are all members!  All parents and guardians of students currently registered at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary are automatically members of the Churchill PAC.

How does PAC work? What is a PAC meeting?

The PAC listens to parents in the school and discusses issues of importance to Churchill families in order to best advise those who influence the school (ex. Principal, staff, or Board).  A PAC meeting is when we meet with each other (parents / guardians), Administration and occasional guest speakers regarding any matter relating to the school.  PAC meetings are held monthly and are for planning, learning, communicating, and voting to keep everything moving through the school year.  Your attendance makes for a successful meeting and questions & suggestions are always welcome.

Note: The PAC does NOT discuss individual students/staff problems or conflicts.

Please see our Churchill PAC Constitution for details.

Your involvement is welcome & encouraged!

We need volunteers, suggestions (or concerns), and ideas to meet and enhance the needs of our school community.  We want to hear from you!

How to get involved:

The following are brief descriptions of the PAC roles:

·       Chair – Runs the PAC meetings, is the official spokesperson for the PAC and is the main liaison with the school administration.

·       Vice-Chair – Assists the Chair and fills in as needed.

·       Treasurer – Keeps track of the PAC finances.  All income and expenses go through the Treasurer who reports on finances at all executive meetings.

·       Secretary – Writes and distributes the minutes from all meetings

·       ELL Rep - Is the PAC liaison with the ELL community, including translation of PAC information 

·       Member-At-Large - Assist with PAC functions and events.  Please join one of the following committees:

o   DPAC Representative – Attends the monthly Vancouver District PAC meetings to represent, speak , and vote on behalf of the PAC and reports back.

o   Social Committee - Coordinates the social functions of the PAC and assists with the (social) coordination of some school functions (e.g., Jazz Cabaret), PAC in-person meetings setup (refreshments), etc.

o   Guest Speaker Committee - Coordinates the guest speakers for the monthly PAC meetings 

o   Communications Committee - maintains PAC email account, website, and SLACK communications with parents.

o   Fundraising Committee - Assists with PAC fundraisers such as Purdys Chocolate Sale, FundScrip, etc.


- *PAC experience is preferred but not mandatory.

- Volunteers will need to be available to meet twice a month (second Tuesday for the Exec meetings & the last Tuesday for the General Meetings) and actively participate in PAC discussions / communications (ie. must be able to check SLACK at least once a week).

- Volunteers for the executive positions must be available to check the executive email accounts once a day (minimum)

- Volunteers must adhere to our PAC Constitution and Bylaws and sign our PAC Code of Conduct